▍緯來電視網NBA2023-24「NBA 季後賽宣傳贈獎」活動規則:
1.1 活動目的:吸引觀眾收看緯來電視網NBA直播
1.2 活動主辦方:緯來電視網股份有限公司
1.3 活動地點(或平臺):緯來電視網官方粉絲團及官方網頁
2.1 所有參賽者必須閱讀並同意本規則,才有資格參加本次活動。
2.3 參賽者必須年滿18歲(以本次活動開始之日起)並具有完全的法律行為能力。年滿16歲但未滿18歲的參與者經其法定監護人同意並提供書面許可即可參加本活動。以下人員不得參加本次活動:
2.3.1 活動主辦單位的員工,包括其各自的母公司、子公司或分公司、媒體合作夥伴和服務供應商,包括其經理、董事和員工。
2.3.2 NBA 實體的員工,包括附屬公司、代理人和直系親屬和/或與此類員工居住在同一家庭的人員,沒有資格參加或贏得促銷活動。
2.3.3 第 2.3.1 條所提及的個人的配偶、父母、子女和兄弟姊妹。
2.3.4 依台灣法律不具備完全或獨立法律行為能力的個人,但年滿16歲但未滿18歲並經其法定監護人同意並提供其法定監護人書面許可的參與者除外。
2.3.5 活動期間居住在台灣以外地區的參賽者。
2.3.6 活動主辦單位因合法、合理理由認為不適合的其他人員。
2.4 涉嫌作弊或主辦單位有確切證據證明其有作弊行為的參賽者,主辦單位將取消其獎品兌換權利。活動主辦單位保留此類情況的解釋權和取消參賽資格的權利。
4.1 活動參與方式及流程
4.2 活動規則。
觀眾於緯來電視網NBA直播賽事期間掃描 QR Code,並完整填寫相關資料,就有參加抽獎資格。
4.3 得獎名單公佈
得獎人將透過電腦隨機選出,且必須接通主辦單位電話CALL OUT。獲獎者名單將在抽獎結束後三個工作天內,公布於緯來官方網站及緯來Facebook官方粉絲團。
5.1 每場轉播賽後,抽出一位幸運觀眾獲得NBA Store Taiwan電子商品券,面額新台幣伍千元,預估有60位得獎人。
5.2 第一階段特別獎,獎項為2023-24 NBA分區冠軍賽門票,預估總數量為8張,將分別於4/23、4/30及5/7抽出。
5.3 第二階段特別獎,獎項為2023-24 NBA兩場總冠軍賽門票及美國機加酒行程,預估總數量為8張,將分別於5/15及5/22抽出。
5.4 第三階段最終特別獎為2024 USAB美國奧運夢幻男籃熱身賽門票及海外機加酒行程,總數量為2張,將於賽季最後一場比賽結束後抽出得獎者。此外,還有機會獲得NBA現役或退役球星簽名商品
5.5 所有獎品和獎項均為 NBA商品。不包含第三者禮物或任何商業元素。如果使用任何其他公司的產品或服務,NBA需要對任何球員、公司等的使用權進行確認。
5.6 特別獎不得轉讓、分配、兌換現金、替換或更改,除非因不可抗拒因素導致無法兌換,主辦方保有權利將獎項替換為同等或相似價值之獎品。故特別獎內容可能會有所變動。參與者和獲獎者同意承擔衍生出的稅費及本條例未論及的所有其他費用。
6.1 活動宣傳影片皆由緯來電視網所製作,並安排於所屬頻道或賽事直播期間廣告時段播出。
6.2 所有活動橫幅頁面皆由緯來電視網所製作並使用於官方網頁上。
本贈獎活動將在確定參加、並提供聯絡之個人資料後,記錄您的基本資料,本公司將會自活動結束日起 算1年內,在台灣地區(台、澎、金、馬)做以下目的使用:
7.1.1 本贈獎活動中獎聯絡、寄送獎品之用。
7.1.2 本公司其他節目、相關活動宣傳之用。
7.2 在完成提供中獎人聯絡之個人資訊後,將視同您已瞭解抽獎規則並同意本公司蒐集您的個人資料。
日後您可於本公司上班時間以電話或email聯絡本公司,對您參加本次贈獎活動所留下的資料做 以下請求:
7.2.1 查詢或請求閱覽。
7.2.2 請求製給複製本。
7.2.3 請求補充或更正。
7.2.4 請求停止蒐集、處理、利用。
7.2.5 請求刪除。
8.1 緯來電視網保留審查參與者資格的權利。如果申請人不符合本次活動的資格要求,我們將取消其參加或獲獎資格。
8.2 緯來電視網保留更改本次活動參與細則以及贈品種類和數量的權利。參與者同意遵守 VIDEOLAND 所做的變更決定。
NBA Properties, Inc.、美國國家籃球協會(「NBA」)和 NBA 成員球隊(統稱為「NBA 實體」)。
NBA 實體及其各自母公司、子公司、附屬公司、管理人員、董事、員工、管理者、所有者、經銷商、零售商、代理商、受讓人、廣告/促銷機構、代表和代理人不承擔任何責任,並將被免除責任。並免受任何索賠、訴訟、責任、損失、傷害或損害,包括但不限於獲獎者或任何第三方的人身傷害或死亡,或全部或部分直接或間接造成的個人或不動產損害,出於任何原因,包括接受、擁有、使用或濫用獎品和/或參與本促銷活動。
本促銷活動的參與者(如果是未成年人,其父母或法定監護人)同意受這些官方規則的約束,並同意NBA 實體及其指定人和受讓人可以使用參與者的姓名、聲音、居住城市/州、照片、影片或影片剪輯和/或用於廣告和/或貿易目的和/或任何其他目的的現在或以後已知的任何媒體或格式的其他視覺肖像,無需進一步補償(經濟或其他)、許可或通知。
本次活動參與者同意受本次活動規則的約束(包括但不限於使用或披露參與者提供的聯繫方式等個人資訊),並充分理解並同意按照以下規則獲得獲獎資格:與VIDEOLAND 或Videoland 指定的第三方營運的內部電腦資訊系統。
VIDEOLAND NBA 2023-24 Play-Off Giveaway Event Promotion Official Rules
1.Objectives of the campaign and Campaign organizer
1.1 Objectives of the campaign
Let the audience tune in to VIDEOLAND Sports channel for NBA games
1.2 Campaign organizer: VIDEOLAND Inc.
1.3 Campaign Platforms: VIDEOLAND Official accounts on social media & VIDEOLAND Sports channel (Cable TV channel)
2.1 All participants must read and agree to these rules in order to be eligible to participate in this event.
2.2 Those who live in Taiwan, have the identity card of Taiwan can participate in this campaign.
2.3 Participants must be at least 18 years old (as of the start date of this event) and have full legal capacity. Participants who are at least 16 years old
but under 18 years old may participate in this event with the consent of their legal guardian and upon providing written permission. The following individuals are not eligible to participate in this event:
2.3.1 Employees of the event organizer, including their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, or branches, media partners, and service providers, including their managers, directors, and employees.
2.3.2 Employees of the NBA Entities, including affiliates, agents and immediate family members and/or those living in the same household of such employees, are not eligible to enter or win the promotion.
2.3.3 Spouses, parents, children, and siblings of the individuals mentioned in clause 2.3.1.
2.3.4 Individuals who do not have full or independent legal capacity according to Taiwanese law, except for participants who are at least 16 years old but under 18 years old with the consent of their legal guardian and upon providing written permission from their legal guardian.
2.3.5 Participants residing outside of Taiwan during the event.
2.3.6 Other individuals deemed unsuitable by the event organizers for any lawful and reasonable reasons.
2.4 Participants who are suspected of cheating or for whom the event organizer have substantial evidence of fraudulent behavior have their prize redemption rights revoked by the event organizer. The event organizer reserves the right to interpret and cancel eligibility in such cases.
3.Campaign Period
Start Date: 16 April, 2024
End Date: 30 June, 2024
4.Campaign Rules
4.1 Participant Selection
Viewers who watch NBA live broadcasts on Videoland will have the chance to participate in the campaign.
4.2 Campaign Rules
To join the campaign, the participant is required to scan the QR Code on TV screen during NBA live games broadcast on VIDEOLAND Sports channel, and write down all requiring information and then you will have a chance to win the prize.
4.3 Winners Release
Winners will be chosen randomly by computer and should have to answer the phone call by anchors. The winners will be announced on the VIDEOLAND’s official website and VIDEOLAND Sports channels Facebook fan page within three working days after each game.
5.1 Each winner will be awarded an e-Voucher of NBA Store Taiwan. The NTD 5,000 will be awarded to the winner at the end of the game. A total of about 60 winners would be prized for the campaign.
5.2 The first phase of special prizes would be awarded games aired on 4/23, 4/30, and 5/7, which are 2023-24 NBA conference final game tickets. A total of 8 tickets will be prized for the campaign.
5.3 The second phase of special prizes would be awarded games aired on 5/15 and 5/22, which are 2023-24 NBA Finals game tickets and USA Tour. A total of 8 tickets will be prized for the campaign.
5.4 The third phase and the final prize would be awarded and aired on the last game of the season, which are 2024 USAB Olympic warming game tickets and Oversea Tour. A total of 2 tickets will be prized for the campaign. Then also could have chances to win NBA Legend/player autographed NBA products.
5.5 All prizes and awards are NBA merchandise. No 3rd party gifts or any commercial elements will be included. If using the product or service of any other company, NBA requires to have confirmation of use of rights for any player, company, etc.
5.6 The special prizes cannot be transferred, assigned, redeemed for cash, substituted, or altered, except by Sponsor at its sole discretion, due to prize unavailability, and then the special prize may be substituted for one of comparable or similar value. The special prizes may be subject to change. Participants and Winners are solely responsible for all applicable taxes and all other expenses not specified herein.
6.Campaign Promotion
6.1 Event promo will be produced and broadcast on Videoland Sports Channel during NBA live game commercial break.
6.2 Event banner will be created and posted on VIDEOLAND’s official website.
7.Personal Data Protection Act
7.1 The purpose for the collection and use of personal information from the campaign are as follows:
After you confirm to participant in the campaign and provide your personal contact information, VIDEOLAND will keep your information after within 1 year after the campaign. The personal data provided will be used by VIDEOLAND for the following purposes:
7.1.1 Informing the winner and prize delivery.
7.1.2 Promotion of VIDEOLAND’s other programs and its related promotional activities.
7.2 Upon completion of the personal information provided by the winners, the winners will be deemed to have understood the rules and agreed to collect their personal information. You may contact VIDEOLAND by telephone or email during office hours to request to exercise the following rights with regard to your personal information collected from the campaign:
7.2.1 Any inquiry and request for a review of the personal information.
7.2.2 Any request to make duplications of the personal information.
7.2.3 Any request to supplement or correct the personal information.
7.2.4 Any request to discontinue collection, processing, or use of personal information.
7.2.5 Any request to delete the personal information.
8.Final Interpretation:
8.1 VIDEOLAND reserves the right to examinate the eligibility of the participant. If the applicant does not meet the eligibility requirements of this campaign, we will be disqualified from joining or winning.
8.2 VIDEOLAND reserves the right to change the details of participation in this campaign and the type and quantity of the gifts. Participants agree to abide by VIDEOLAND decision to make changes.
9.Definition of NBA Entities:
NBA Properties, Inc., the National Basketball Association (the “NBA”), and the NBA member teams (collectively, the “NBA Entities”).
10.Limitation of Liability:
The NBA Entities and each of their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, governors, owners, distributors, retailers, agents, assignees, advertising/promotion agencies, representatives, and agents shall have no liability and will be released and held harmless from any claim, action, liability, loss, injury or damage, including, without limitation, personal injury or death to winner or any third party or damage to personal or real property due in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by any reason, including the acceptance, possession, use or misuse of the prize and/or participation in this promotion.
11.Right of Publicity Release:
Participants in this promotion (if minor, his/her parent or legal guardian) agree to be bound by these Official Rules and agree that the NBA Entities and their designees and assigns may use the participant’s name, voice, city/state of residence, photos, video or film clips, and/or other visual likeness for advertising and/or trade purposes and/or for any other purpose in any media or format now or hereafter known without further compensation (financial or otherwise), permission or notification.
12.Special terms
The participants in this campaign agree to be bound by the rules of the campaign (including but not limited to the use or disclosure of personal information such as contact information provided by the participants) and fully understand and agree to the eligibility of the winners in accordance with the internal computer information system operated by VIDEOLAND or a third party appointed by VIDEOLAND.
13.Applicable Law
This event is subject to the laws of Taiwan.